Prepare a file to keep receipts of moving expenses and reimbursements for tax deductions
Get estimates from moving companies and arrange method of payment.
Call Charities for pick up of unwanted clothes.
Repair minor damages to home
Transfer or resign club memberships.
Get packing paper, pad for inventory, and marking pens, boxes, and twine for packing belongings.
Ask your bank to transfer your accounts to the branch nearest your new location.
Notify existing Water company
Notify Lawn/garden services
Notify Cell Phone company
Transfer Pet’s licenses
Notify Housecleaning service
Notify Vehicle registration and licensing agency
Notify existing Internet Supplier
Notify new Internet Supplier
Complete Change of Address form
Notify Lawyer
Notify Finance companies
Arrange for a yard sale for unnecessary belongings.
Notify new Gas/Oil company
Notify alarm service
Notify existing Cable/Satelite company
Notify Credit cards
Notify Diaper service
Notify Schools
Notify Magazines
Notify Book & music clubs
Notify Doctor
Notify new Cable/Satelite company
Notify Dentist
Notify Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA)
Assure you have adequate insurance for goods in transit.
Notify new Electric company
Notify existing Electric company
Notify Garbage (special pick-up)
Notify existing Telephone company
Notify Loan institutions
Notify loyality programs
Notify Library
Notify Newspapers
Notify Catalogue Subscriptions
Notify new Water company
Notify existing Gas/Oil company
Notify Non-government supplementary health plan
Notify Insurance agencies
Arrange to transport pets.
Arrange for work that has to be done at new home.
Notify new Telephone company
Notify Veterinarian
Plan a going-away party for your children and their friends.
Verify your moving in date with your new landlord/estate agent.
Plan a going-away party for you and your friends
Prepare a floor plan of your new home and make extra copies.
Collect items being cleaned, repaired, stored and loaned to friends.
Check to make sure you have returned all rented items.
Arrange care for young children during the busy days of packing, loading and moving in.
Return library books.
Arrange care for your pets during the busy days of packing, loading and moving in.
Use up perishable foods.
Pack your former town’s phone book for future correspondance
Set aside and label items such as luggage that you do not want packed or moved.
Arrange to have sufficient cash and/or travellers’ cheques to cover expenses until you’re in your new home.
Drain fuel from the lawnmower and other machinery. Safely dispose of all gasoline, matches, paints, aerosol cans listed in our booklet Handling Dangerous Goods.
Clean rugs and drapes.
Take down any fixtures fastened to wall.
Set aside things you will carry in car in carton marked Do not load.
Take down curtains, blinds, rods, shelves. Unfasten any fixed carpets that are to be moved.
Prepare a list of items you’ll need immediately at destination, such as a flashlight, light bulbs, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, snacks and drinks.
Confirm hotel/ motel reservations for your trip.
Get utilities turned on, or meters read.
Clean fridge one day before move; clean stove.
Make sure you have your Passport(s)
All meters read
Lights turned off
Keys left as agreed with new residence
Make sure you have your children’s school records.
Make sure you have your Automobile ownership.
Windows and doors locked
Double check rooms, closets, drawers, shelves, outdoor areas and garage to make sure you’ve taken everything.
Make sure you have your Medical and Dental records.
Furnace turned down or off
Get appliances hooked up.
Give your new phone number and an alternate contact to your mover before they leave.
List claims for lost or damaged articles.
Make sure you have your Insurance policies.
Make sure you have your moving related documents.
Check to see appliances (refrigerator, freezer, washer and dryer, etc.) are working.