Monthly Archives: September 2020

What you need to know when buying a Fixer-Upper

September 23, 2020

Pop-culture has sold us a bit of a rose-colored picture on the concept of buying a fixer-upper. Through a little bit of elbow grease, you can turn a cheap buy into your dream house. Right? Not always. Like any other… More

Buying vs. Building a Home?

September 13, 2020

Finding the ideal home is generally a series of decisions. Where do you want to live? What do you need nearby? Should you rent or buy, and how much money are you able to put down for your home? Another… More

How to go House Hunting with Kids

September 9, 2020

A lot of the time, the reason you decide to move in the first place is because of your children. You want to move to a better school district, be in closer proximity to other families, or find a property… More

Why Do House Sales Fall Through?

September 1, 2020

Sometimes your attempt to sell your home has a few false starts. Buyers that seem like promising prospects end up having to pull out or stop short for one reason or another. If you see this happening a lot with… More