Planning Out Your Next Remodel

October 12, 2020

When you’re looking at best practices for selling a home, there are a few common points you might come across. Some of these may include: picking your time of sale wisely, finding and working with a real estate agent you can trust, or doing some smart remodeling work to increase your sale value. However focusing on that last point, a lot of well-meaning sellers end up hurting their overall profit in the end by investing their money in the wrong areas. So with that in mind, here are some of the steps that you should think about when planning out your next remodel.  Planning out your next remodel


Scout other homes:

Remember that if you’re remodeling ahead of a sale, you’re picking what potential buyers will like, not what you will like. This means that you want to look and see what other homes selling in your neighborhood look like in terms of colors, aesthetics, and features. You don’t have to imitate things exactly, just mine them for inspiration. This is another area where talking to the Top Realtor in Victoria, BC can help. Our expertise can assist you in deciding the best course of action for remodeling your home.


Consider focusing on one area:

A lot of people are trying to tighten their belts financially ahead of a home sale. This means you may be torn between trying to raise the sale price with a remodel while also keeping costs down. A good balance here is working to try and focus your expenses in one area. Not all parts of the home are created equal when it comes to their impact on the sale value. Upgrades in the bathroom or kitchen are likely to reap the most benefits, so they are certainly worth considering as the focus of your upcoming remodel.


Start looking at contractors well in advance:

You may be on a tight timeline if you know there’s a certain time that you want or need to sell by. In this case, it’s essential to make sure that you don’t waste too much time on unforeseen delays. When planning out your next remodel, look for contractors and book the time you need well in advance. Remember to also leave some wiggle room in case of delays. In addition, you also don’t want to go with the lowest quality or cheapest work you can find. Potential buyers will be inspecting your house up and down, paying very close attention, and most will be able to detect any shoddy work quickly.


Don’t neglect the small things:

Let’s say that you don’t feasibly have the money you would need to, for instance, redo the entire kitchen before selling your home. This doesn’t mean you can’t use the money you do have to help your price. Smaller improvements like fresh coats of paint, sprucing up your fence, or some minor landscaping can still add up and increase the attractiveness of your home to a potential buyer. Just make sure you set a rigid budget and stick to it, so you don’t overextend yourself.


Before you invest lots of money and time into planning out your next remodel, it’s important that you understand not just what sells in general, but what is moving homes in your specific area. This means working with professionals that have deep-seated experience in the industry, but also extensive knowledge of your area. That’s why experts like the Best Realtor in Victoria, BC should always chime in when it comes to setting the stage for your next home sale. If you’re ready to move forward, then reach out to our team today.